Dental Care for Kids: Finding the Right Dentist

Are Dental Veneers The Best Option For You?

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If you want to improve your smile, then one of your choices is to get veneers. You might have heard something about veneers in the past, but you might not know exactly what they do. To help you make a more informed decision, here is an introduction to dental veneers: What are dental veneers? Dental veneers are custom shells that are usually made of porcelain or resin. They are bonded to your teeth, providing protection and improving your smile. Read More»

Dental Tips: A Few Simple Ways To Stop Grinding Your Teeth

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You care about your teeth and keep up with your oral regimen. But what about your grinding issue? This is something that is not your fault, yet it can affect your oral health. This guide will offer tips to help you stop grinding. Simple Tips To Defeat Bruxism Do not feel bad about being afflicted with this issue because statistics show that about 1 out of 4 dental patients suffer from tooth grinding. Read More»

3 Reasons Your Dentist Might Recommend An Apicoectomy

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A tooth is kept vital, or alive, due to pulp material that travels from the bone and soft tissue, up through the roots, and into the root canal and its upper pulp chamber. The pulp can become inflamed when oral bacteria creates a dental infection. The inflammation can cause pain and dentin erosion that leads to cavities. Pulp issues are normally corrected with root canal therapy, but that procedure isn’t always enough to fully rid the tooth of infection. Read More»

5 Favors You Should Do For Your Teeth

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Teeth play a very important role in your quality of life and the way you look. This is why it is so important for you to do all that you can to keep them as healthy as possible. In this article, you can learn about 5 favors you can do for your teeth to help keep them healthy and looking good. 1: Don’t forget about your gums A large portion of your teeth are actually under your gumline. Read More»

Three Different Solutions For Dental Restoration Using Implant Procedures

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If you have dental problems that are effecting your smile, such as missing teeth or other problems, dental restoration may be something you are considering. This can be done with many different types of treatments, including implants. With implants, there are many different ways that your smile can be restored. This can include implants for dentures, micro implants, bridges and crowns. Here are some of the ways you can have your smile improved with dental implants: Read More»