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4 Facts About Dental Implants

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Gone are the days when tooth extraction was the only solution to a problematic tooth. Instead, most dentists recommend dental implants to address common dental problems. However, many people who opt for this intervention have a lot of questions. Are they expensive? How long do they last? What are the risks? Will they be different from original teeth? Before you opt for dental implants, here are a few things to keep in mind.

They Are Natural

Because of the advances in dentistry, most implants look like natural teeth and cannot be distinguished from your other teeth. While there is no argument that implants are foreign objects in your mouth, they are natural in every sense. Implants are an imitation of your tooth root, and they form the basis of the restoration, after which your dentist assembles a new tooth or crown. A crown is made of a material that has the same color quality as your tooth, and with modern dentistry, doctors are using digital technologies for precision purposes to ensure your implants and crowns are as natural-looking as possible.

They Are Inexpensive

Implants are made of titanium, and there's little or no difference between different models. Therefore, the rule of more expensive the better certainly doesn't apply to implants. The differences in pricing can occur due to other factors such as staff costs and equipment. 

They Are Long-Lasting

Most people are afraid they will need further dental treatment if implants do not permanently fix the problem. While the exact lifespan of implants depends on many different factors, they can last many years with proper care and maintenance, plus adhering to your dental appointments. During your dental examination, the dentist inspects if the root is mobile or stable. Talk to your dentist to get more information about the exact lifespan of your dental implant.

They Are Painless

Quite often, there is a misconception that implantation is painful, and you may not be able to chew properly like before. The truth is your doctor applies local anesthesia, and thus you won't feel pain during the procedure. Afterward, you'll be given medication to ease the pain or discomfort. Every patient is different, and you should return to your normal activities within a week.

Implantation is a safe procedure that restores your teeth functions such as biting and chewing. Contact a dentist near you for more information about how dental implants might help you.
