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A New Smile Beckons You

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Welcome to the vibrant world of orthodontics, where technology and expertise converge to give you a dazzling smile. It’s time to explore the multitude of options that can take your smile from ordinary to extraordinary. Each choice has unique benefits and may suit different needs. Here is your go-to guide for understanding your orthodontic options. The Traditional Route — Metal Braces Metal braces dominate the orthodontic landscape. They consist of metal brackets affixed to your teeth, connected by a wire, and tightened periodically to gradually adjust the alignment of your teeth. Read More»

Invisalign And How The Treatment Works

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The alignment of your teeth can impact more than your appearance. Crooked teeth can make it difficult to maintain proper dental hygiene, speak clearly, or even chew your food effectively. When teeth are too closely set or crowded, you may be unable to insert floss into the interdental spaces. Additionally, common alignment issues, such as overbites, underbites, or buck teeth, can make it harder to pronounce words properly. In some instances, spacing and bite patterns may not allow the teeth of the upper and lower palates to meet correctly for the effective grinding or tearing of food. Read More»

Advantages Of Custom Abutments

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Abutments are used in dental implants to adhere the implant to the bone under the gums. In many instances, stock abutments are used because they’re easier and less expensive. The extra cost and effort associated with custom abutments can increase the success of implants and provide better outcomes.  Accurate Placement Custom abutments are excellent in terms of their placement. Standard abutments are designed to be drilled straight into the bone where the tooth once was. Read More»

Family Dentistry: A One-Stop Shop For Dental Care

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Family dentistry refers to a type of dental care that caters to individuals of all ages, from young children to seniors. With family dentistry, patients can receive comprehensive and preventive dental care in one convenient location. The focus of family dentistry is to provide a range of dental services that address the unique needs of each patient and ensure the best possible oral health outcomes. If you live with a large, extended family, then often the only dentist that makes any feasible sense for you will be a family dentist, and here are a few reasons why that is a good thing. Read More»

Are You A Good Candidate For Orthognathic Surgery?

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Orthognathic surgery refers to corrective jaw surgery. When your jaw doesn’t function properly, you can struggle to eat, speak, and smile. You may even struggle to breathe and swallow comfortably when your jaw is misaligned. Corrective jaw surgery can correct jaw issues that affect your quality of life. What makes someone a good candidate for orthognathic surgery?  Your jaw has already stopped growing If your jawbones have already stopped growing, you can go ahead with corrective jaw surgery. Read More»

3 Key Ways An Orthodontist Can Help Improve Your Oral Health

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A dentist is usually the first stop for people who are looking to improve their oral health. Yet it is not uncommon for issues with your teeth or jaw fall outside of a dentist’s expertise. In these cases, it is recommended that you see an orthodontist who can help identify and implement treatment services that work for you. If you are wondering about whether scheduling a consultation with an orthodontist would be beneficial, keep reading below for just three of the most common ways they can help. Read More»

Are You A Good Candidate For Dental Crown Treatment?

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Dental crowns are one of the many cosmetic dental solutions that dentists offer to improve your smile. If you’re considering them for your smile makeover, doing a little research can help determine if they’re a good fit for your needs and situation. Dental crowns can be beneficial for addressing multiple dental concerns, as highlighted below. Fractured Or Broken Teeth Your teeth can crack, fracture, or even break due to different reasons. Read More»

Missing Teeth Got You Down? Why Dental Implants Are the Solution You’ve Been Searching For

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It can be hard to feel confident when you are missing one or more teeth. If the loss is rather recent, you may find yourself shying away from pictures and holding a ready hand up to your mouth when you want to laugh out loud. You feel self-conscious about the gaps and hope others won’t notice, but can’t seem to get the issue off of your mind. The good news is that the modern era has brought about tremendous changes in the dental industry and if you’re willing to take advantage of them, you could have a ravishing smile in no time. Read More»

Visiting The Emergency Dentist After A Football Player Loses A Tooth In A Game

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Athletes may experience many surprising health problems that can affect their overall success or trigger other lingering concerns. For example, football players may get hit in the mouth during a game and, in spite of their helmet or mouthguard, experience tooth loss. This situation can be a real problem unless they work with an emergency dentist who understands how to save their teeth. Helping the Player After the Hit The moment a football player takes a heavy hit that knocks out their teeth, it is important to avoid panicking. Read More»

FAQs About Cosmetic Dentistry

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What is cosmetic dentistry? You want a healthy mouth—but that’s not all. Along with fighting cavities and gingivitis, you also want to improve the overall appearance of your teeth and gums. If you’re not sure how to accomplish these goals, take a look at everything you need to know about cosmetic dental services. Are Cosmetic and General Dentistry Services the Same? While these two categories are similar, they are not identical. Read More»